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Member commitments

Our Toy Library is made up of a committed member community. We rely on the cooperation of all members to enable our Library to continue to deliver the service that has provided play inspiration to families for over 30 years.

When you become a member of the Moorabbin Area Toy Library, you contribute to our community through:


Each member family is required to share volunteer duties, which can be completed as 4 x 90 minute session duties (6 hours in total) per year. Whilst rostered hours can be completed by any family member, employee or friend, if the person who usually returns/borrows the toys completes at least some of these duties, they can benefit from becoming more familiar with the toy library systems, shelf locations and member community. Children are welcome during any duty time, and all sessions are rostered in advance, so you can select a time that best suits you.

If you enjoy volunteering, we can always use extra help with our toy maintenance sessions, Bunnings BBQs, Farmers Markets and annual stock take, so make sure to come along and help out. 

We also offer alternatives to completing roster duties:

  • You can do a shift at our annual Bunnings BBQ session or Farmers Market (which is the equivalent of one session duty);
  • You could consider joining our committee where you can apply your skills in ways to really make a difference to our organisation; or 
  • You can opt to take a non-duty membership which attracts a levy of $120 per year in addition to your membership fees.

Toy Cleaning & Maintenance

All members must ensure the toys are returned clean and in good order. You can download a comprehensive cleaning guide here. All of our toys are shared resources, so please make sure to return the toys in the condition you would expect to borrow them. And please alert our Library Coordinator to any missing pieces, breakages or wear and tear that need to be addressed.

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