June 10, 2021
The days are getting shorter, colder and much more gloomy...so there's no better time to check out the latest additions to our Active Play toys, designed to keep kids of all ages active and moving indoors even when the weather outside is chilly! These toys are all proudly supported by a City of Kingston 2020 Active Families grant.
We often hear calls for children to be more active, but what does that mean for our infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers?
As adults we play organised sport, run or go to the gym, but physical activity for our young children means a focus on movement and active play. But why is this important?
Physical activity helps improve confidence and self-esteem and develops healthier social, cognitive, and emotional skills.
It also has lots of health benefits for children, including:
Physical activity is an important part of play and learning. And when children do physical activity with you or other people, it can be a great way for them to build relationships in your family and community.
Physical activity is also just good fun for children!
Toys shown (L-R): Archery set, Mini Pikler, Coaching Basketball, Fitness Dice, Hopscotch, Whack-a-Tag, Tabletop Table Tennis, Roll & Play, Rainbow Tunnel
(Source: raisingchildren.net.au)